The objective of this online course is to educate the attendant on the practical and ethical aspects of evaluating, defending and litigating insurance coverage and bad faith claims. The presentation will provide an update on the current status of the law, emerging trends in the law, legal strategies, and potential considerations and solutions. The presentations will include a broad spectrum of topics addressing a variety of insurance related topics.
*An Update on Stowers
*Appraisals and Bad Faith
Responding to Complaints before the Texas Department of Insurance
MCS 90 - What Role Does it Play and How Does it Apply?
How to Prepare the Next Generation of Trial Lawyers in an Era of Diminishing Trials
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims: An Update
Legislative Update
Trends in AI Endorsements & The Texas Anti-Indemnity Statute
TDI CE: Provider #32551
This course has been approved by the Texas Department of Insurance in the amount of 3.0 general credit hours and 1.0 ethics credit hour. Cooper & Scully, P.C. is a Texas Department of Insurance registered provider.
Texas MCLE
This course is pending approval by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 4.0 credit hours, with 1.0 hours counting towards ethics.